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Effortless Waves: Mastering Hair Curling with a Flat Iron

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MessagePosté le: Jeu Sep 21, 2023 1:46 pm    Sujet du message: Effortless Waves: Mastering Hair Curling with a Flat Iron Répondre en citant

Curling your hair with a flat iron is a versatile styling technique that can create both loose waves and tight curls. Here's how to curl hair with flat iron:

Preparation: Begin with clean, dry hair. Apply a heat protectant spray to shield your hair from heat damage.

Section Your Hair: Divide your hair into manageable sections using clips or hair ties. Smaller sections create tighter curls.

Start with the Flat Iron: Hold the flat iron horizontally and clamp it near the roots of a hair section.

Twist and Pull: Rotate the flat iron 180 degrees away from your face while simultaneously pulling it down the hair shaft. The slower you pull, the tighter the curl will be.

Repeat: Continue this process for all sections, making sure to curl away from your face for a natural look.

Set with Hairspray: After curling, spritz with hairspray to set the curls.

Cool Down: Allow the curls to cool for a few minutes before running your fingers through them for a softer, tousled look.

With practice, you'll achieve beautiful curls using a flat iron for a polished and stylish appearance.
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