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Day trading strategy

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Inscrit le: 11 Sep 2022
Messages: 39

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 26, 2024 8:29 am    Sujet du message: Day trading strategy Répondre en citant

It means that the trader opens and closes the position on the same day, so that it depends on short-term movements in the financial market. This strategy requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the stocks that he is trading and the market mechanism to which the stocks belong. The daily trader needs to anticipate the price movement according to the daily news and interest rates. Earnings reports, etc. Any event in a company may lead to major fluctuations in the market and consequently price movement, which is what the day trader aims to benefit from as much as possible.
كيفية شراء الأسهم للمبتدئين
Daily trading requires a lot of focus, work, and knowledge of the factors influencing financial market movements. It also requires the trader’s continuous presence to make his decisions as quickly as possible due to this strategy’s reliance on rapid movements. Therefore, whoever wants to make daily trading his primary strategy must ensure his ability to Get the latest news updates from reliable sources, and he is sufficiently familiar with technical indicators and charts.
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