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How stock market players control the money market

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Inscrit le: 11 Sep 2022
Messages: 39

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 12, 2024 7:49 pm    Sujet du message: How stock market players control the money market Répondre en citant

According to some information, the players of the open stock exchange have huge experience in the world of trading, and through this they are able to achieve huge gains at the expense of novice investors or those who do not have experience in the financial market, and they are easily attracted to stocks that appear to be on the rise despite the fact that the players are the ones in control. In these stocks, not the market situation or the supply and demand situation for them.
Stock market tycoons have the ability to control the state of the financial market and stocks through experience in speculation, and this usually appears clearly in the Gulf and Arab financial markets in general. It is largely related to the fact that the major trading tycoons obtain millions in their financial portfolios, and therefore their movements In buying and selling, they have great control over the stock index at times, due to their share in the stocks being the largest.
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Vandana Rajput

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 13, 2024 2:52 pm    Sujet du message: Erotic Service Répondre en citant

India's most famous traveler place Lucknow is renowned for its exotic exercises, including a spa, back rub, and [url=]Lucknow Call Girl[/url. Many joy searchers visit Lucknow consistently to encounter escort Agencies, and we have been delivering high-quality young call girls in Calangute beach for over ten years.
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Vandana Rajput

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 13, 2024 2:52 pm    Sujet du message: Service Répondre en citant

India's most famous traveler place Lucknow is renowned for its exotic exercises, including a spa, back rub, and Lucknow Call Girl. Many joy searchers visit Lucknow consistently to encounter escort Agencies, and we have been delivering high-quality young call girls in Calangute beach for over ten years.
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