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Bell & Ross BR 05 ArtLine Steel & Gold

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MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 21, 2024 9:07 am    Sujet du message: Bell & Ross BR 05 ArtLine Steel & Gold Répondre en citant

Bell & Ross BR 05 ArtLine Steel & Gold

Bell&Ross launches new BR-05 watch, striving for the best

Bell&Ross has just released a brand new version of the BR-05, constructed from steel and gold along with a departure from the company's generally staid style. Called the Artline, the new model features a distinctive combination of rose gold and metal that harkens back to a far more civilized era of horology.

The new BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold is actually emblematic, blending architectural accuracy, versatile urban style, modernist industrial aesthetics and aeronautical elements. The watch features a superbly skeletonized rotating weight as well as B&R's traditional instrument style, and features a steel screwed gold bezel. It appears beautiful. replica watches price

Bruno Belamich, Innovative Director of Bell and Ross, said: “With Artline, our aim was to provide a watch that is beautifully embellished, elegant and chic. Decorating the large surfaces (case and also central link) allows us to supply a sense of sophistication, preciousness and jewels. Prism shows the potential of the BR 05. “Another significant advantage is the fact that by combining these two components, a precious watch along with 18-karat rose gold parts gets even more approachable.

Unique switch and high-performance movement
Within this exclusive collection, which is restricted to 99 pieces, Bell and also Ross’ typical large numbers are replaced by baton hour markers coated together with luminous material that enhance the hour and moment hands. The seconds hands is made of gold and matches the unique color of the new call - a bright, sunlit brown achieved through a unique manufacturing technique. This involves covering the metal plate from the dial with a tinted brownish varnish. Richard Mille RM 65-01 Automatic Split-Seconds

Precision and energy
BR 05 Artline Steel & Gold is equipped with the actual and high-performance Swiss self-winding movement BRCAL. 321-1, having a power reserve of up to 54 hrs. This 40mm watch will be water-resistant to 100 yards and features a sapphire situation back that showcases beautiful finishes and a 360° one.

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