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Opening an investment account at Al Rajhi Bank

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Inscrit le: 11 Sep 2022
Messages: 46

MessagePosté le: Jeu Sep 26, 2024 6:52 am    Sujet du message: Opening an investment account at Al Rajhi Bank Répondre en citant

Al Rajhi Bank is considered one of the best banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, providing a wide range of banking services, with a number of investment options available, and an account can be opened through the bank by following the following steps:
كيف اشتري سهم الراجحي
Open the official website of Al Rajhi Bank.
Click on the option to open an investment account.
Click on the start icon at the bottom of the page.
Write information such as the ATM card number and card identification number.
Record the code related to the investigation.
Click on the word Next.
You will receive a text message containing the confirmation code.
Record the confirmation code in the designated place, then click on the word Next.
Record personal data such as name, email and phone number.
Click on the word Next.
Record bank account information, specifying the level of experience in investment.
Specify the origin of the investment whether it is stocks or bonds, then click on the word OK.
Verify the accuracy of the data that was recorded.
Thus, you have completed opening a special investment account.
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