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Samourai to Sparrow Wallet Guide

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Avin Cesar

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 11, 2024 8:18 am    Sujet du message: Samourai to Sparrow Wallet Guide Répondre en citant

The Samourai Wallet is known for its robust privacy features and secure Bitcoin storage. Whether you are restoring your wallet after losing your device or simply want to recover your balance, this guide will walk you through the process of restoring and securing your wallet using the samourai wallet app, integrating with Samourai Dojo, and optionally using the Lightning Network for faster transactions.

1. Download the Samourai Wallet App

The first step in recovering your Bitcoin is to download the Samourai Wallet app from the official website or your device’s app store. Samourai Wallet offers a user-friendly interface designed for maximum privacy and security. Once installed, launch the app, and instead of selecting "Create a New Wallet," choose the option to "Restore a Wallet." This will guide you through the recovery process.

2. Recover Wallet Using Your Seed Phrase

One of the most critical steps in restoring your Samourai Wallet is using the seed phrase. This is a 12- or 24-word recovery phrase that was generated when you first created your wallet. It is vital to store this phrase securely because it is the only way to recover your funds if you lose access to your device.

Enter each word of the seed phrase in the correct order, and if you had set an additional BIP39 passphrase (optional), you will need to enter that as well. Once the correct information is entered, the wallet will scan the blockchain to locate any unspent Bitcoin associated with your wallet. Depending on your transaction history, this process may take a few minutes.

3. Restoring Your Bitcoin Balance

After entering your seed phrase and optional passphrase, the Samourai Wallet app will restore your Bitcoin balance. The app will automatically scan the blockchain to recover any unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) associated with your wallet. Once this is complete, you will see your balance, and your wallet will be restored to its previous state.

4. Increase Security with Samourai Dojo

Samourai Dojo is a powerful tool that provides enhanced privacy by allowing you to interact with the Bitcoin network without relying on Samourai’s servers. Running a Dojo server ensures that you are in full control of your transaction data. You can set up Samourai Dojo on a dedicated server, such as a Raspberry Pi, to ensure maximum privacy. Once Dojo is installed, connect your Samourai Wallet to the Dojo backend for increased security and privacy.

5. Activate Lightning Network (Optional)

If you’re interested in faster, cheaper transactions, you can activate the Lightning Network within the Samourai Wallet. The Lightning Network is a second layer on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, designed for microtransactions. Once set up, you can make instant payments with minimal fees. This feature is optional but highly beneficial for those frequently making small transactions.

6. Enable Advanced Security Features

Samourai Wallet provides several advanced security features to enhance your privacy:

Stonewall: This feature creates complex transaction structures to make it harder for blockchain observers to link transactions.

Ricochet: Ricochet adds extra hops to a transaction to confuse tracking algorithms.

Whirlpool: This is a CoinJoin implementation that allows you to mix your coins with others, making it nearly impossible to trace their origins.

Additionally, you can set up two-factor authentication, app lock (PIN or biometric login), and use Watchtower, an anti-theft feature that alerts you to any suspicious wallet activity.


By following these steps, you can securely restore and manage your samourai wallet. Whether you integrate Samourai Dojo for enhanced privacy, activate the Lightning Network for fast transactions, or enable Samourai’s powerful privacy tools, you’ll ensure that your Bitcoin is stored safely and securely while maintaining full control over your financial data.
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