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What gold detectors actually work finding gold?

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Polly Lieberman

Inscrit le: 31 Juil 2022
Messages: 378

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 19, 2024 11:08 pm    Sujet du message: What gold detectors actually work finding gold? Répondre en citant

Nearly any metal detector manufacturer will claim that it makes the best metal detectors on the market for gold prospectors. Unfortunately, many consumers buy this equipment only to find that it is worthless and has issues with detecting the simplest of metals, like coins and keys. If you’re looking for information about metal detectors that can detect gold, it helps to do your homework and research the different kinds of gold detectors that you are considering.

First and foremost, you should know that there are typical metal detectors and then there are gold detectors. Gold detectors are specifically designed to look for the special properties of gold. Gold has a conductivity level that is different from each kind of other metal that exists. Gold metal detectors are manufactured to include discrimination that excludes detecting other kinds of metals. You can choose other kinds of metal detectors and tweak the settings to serve the same purpose, but gold metal detectors do this for you without having to worry about whether or not you are doing it right.

Buying the right gold detector to find gold is simply about how much you want to spend. You can buy the less expensive versions and take a gamble on whether or not they will work. You can also get the high-dollar ones, with all the fancy bells and whistles that you may never use. Your best option is to go for the middle-priced gold detectors. They will have a reasonable price and will get the job done with minimal confusion.

The other technology used for gold metal detection is pulse induction technology. This is not as common as the VLF technology but is still as effective for gold prospecting. The main difference right off the bat is that detectors that employ this technology only make use of one coil (not two). It works by sending short yet powerful bursts of current through the coil of wire. The pulse is responsible for producing a brief magnetic field. As soon as the pulse ends, it creates a short electrical spike.

This spike of electricity extends throughout the coil, which is known as a reflected pulse. This process is repeated as more short but powerful pulses are emitted. On average, gold detectors that employ this technology can send 100 pulses per second. However, this range can vary significantly depending on the model. When the device comes into contact with a metal object, it creates an opposite pulse to the magnetic field.
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