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What are the best show cruises in Dubai?

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Marina Ain Cruise

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 28, 2024 11:08 am    Sujet du message: What are the best show cruises in Dubai? Répondre en citant

There are 2 types of Marina Ain Cruise. Dhow cruise creek and dhow cruise marina. But first, let's understand the basic difference between these two cruises.
Dhow Cruise Creek focuses on the history of the city and how it all began. Like a time machine, the tourists are transported to the past as they travel in an old wooden boat. Tourists will sail through some of the earliest skyscrapers of the city, where the vision of building Dubai all began and was also the stepping stone behind the infrastructure growth. But aside from sailing and having dinner on the boat, customers are also treated to some old heritage locations like the famous gold souk which has been the center of gold trading for centuries, and spice souks which is one of the largest spice markets in the world.
Dhow Cruise Marina on the contrary is full of luxury offerings as it keeps its guests invested with all the modern and latest offerings that the cruise today has to provide. Unlike the creek, Marina takes its customers through the opulent and contemporary skyscrapers and hotels of modern Dubai, covering places like Burj Khalifa and Palm Jumeirah. The city especially shines in the night which makes for a scenic view for the tourists. 
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