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What is Dubai Global Village?

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MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 29, 2024 10:32 am    Sujet du message: What is Dubai Global Village? Répondre en citant

Dubai Global Village is a park that features some of the best attractions for shopping, dining, and entertainment. This park is located on Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. A lot of famous internation artists like Liam Payne, Neha Kakkar, Jason Derulo, Shahrukh Khan, Now United, Atif Aslam, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Elissa, Samira Said and so many more have performed here.
This park started as a small site along Dubai Creek in the year 1996. The idea behind Dubai Global Village has always been to showcase everything that the world has to offer. In the beginning, this site only had small kiosks that represented different countries. without fanfare, this small event attracted more than 500,000 visitors during its first year. Since then, the festival has always begun in full enthusiasm. By the year 2004, this festival featured more than 38 countries that attracted over 5.20 million visitors.
Dubai Global Village is celebrating its 29th season which is scheduled from October 16th, 2024 and you can enjoy it till 11th March, 2025. This event gets bigger and better each year because it introduces new pavilions, countless new shopping outlets and even more fun surprises that are sure to give you the most memorable time of your life.
There are mainly four sections in which this village is divided into. These sections are divided on the basis of events and concerts, carnibvals, scrumptious food and shopping areas. You will find food from all around the world here to give a treat to your taste buds. Even the shopping, carnivals, concerts and other things are also the same.
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