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What is so special about the Dubai Frame?

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Dubai Frame

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 09, 2024 7:45 am    Sujet du message: What is so special about the Dubai Frame? Répondre en citant

The Dubai Frame is one of the most iconic tourist attractions in Dubai and is counted as a perfect picturesque spot for clicking some good pictures. This iconic frame is counted as the largest picture frame in the world. The reason why this frame is famous is because of its unique design. This design is known to represent the past and present of Dubai. If you have any speculations regarding why this Dubai Frame is so famous, then you need to understand the fact that this frame-shaped structure is around 150.24 meters tall and 95.53 meters in width. You will also be glad to know the fact that the frame has also made it to the Guinness World Record for being one of the largest frames in the world. As said already, the shape of the frame has been crafted in such a way that it clearly gives us a detailed insight into the past and present of the city. In addition to that, you should also know the fact that the frame is symbolic of the journey of Dubai from having nothing to having everything. This makes it an iconic landmark in the city. After getting inside this structure, you can have a panoramic view of the city. The frame also has an observatory, augmented-reality stops, and a museum. You can visit it on any day from 9 AM to 9 PM and you can also book your tickets for the same online.[/b]
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