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Download Pinup on Android and iOS

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Auteur Message
Polly Lieberman

Inscrit le: 31 Juil 2022
Messages: 377

MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 09, 2024 10:37 pm    Sujet du message: Download Pinup on Android and iOS Répondre en citant

For Android users, the process of downloading and installing the Pin Up app starts by visiting the official website where you can find the current version of the APK file. Since the app is not distributed through Google Play Market due to Google’s gambling policy, you must first allow the installation of apps from unknown sources in your device’s security settings. After downloading the APK file, open it and install the app by following the on-screen instructions. Users of iOS devices can play via the mobile version of the site.

For new customers, Pin Up online casino offers a gift for registration in the amount of up to 125 per cent of the amount of the first deposit. The maximum reward is $5,300 USD. Additionally, the casino provides up to 250 free spins for slot machines.

The amount of the bonus depends on the deposit amount:

From $10 to $99 – 100% bonus;
From $100 to $199 – 110% bonus;
From $200 to $299 – 115% bonus;
From $300 to $399 – 120% bonus;
From $400 to $4,240 – 125% bonus;

Regular casino customers have access to bonuses such as:

Cashback on express bets. Up to 55% cashback on express bets with 4 or more events.
CashOut. Betting insurance allows you to return the funds even in the case of a loss.
Express of the day. A unique combination of sporting events with increased odds of up to 15%.
Sports-themed quizzes where users can win free bets for correct answers to questions.

Click here for more info:
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