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Cât costă participarea la proiect Hidroelectrica Ed

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Polly Lieberman

Inscrit le: 31 Juil 2022
Messages: 377

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 21, 2024 8:23 pm    Sujet du message: Cât costă participarea la proiect Hidroelectrica Ed Répondre en citant

Participarea la proiect este absolut gratuită, nu trebuie să plătiți pentru a vă înscrie. Pentru a începe să câștigați, trebuie doar să vă activați contul de depozit pentru orice sumă începând cu 1300 RON. Programul va rămâne gratuit doar pentru 1 zi, apoi va trebui să plătiți pentru acces. Hidroelectrica Romania is a leader in electricity production and the main provider of technological services necessary in the National Energy System, being a vital company for a strategic sector with implications for national security.

Founded in 2000, Hidroelectrica has established itself in the Romanian Energy Market due to its experience, credibility and flexibility, currently being the main producer and supplier of energy in Romania and the main provider of system technological services.

With an average hydrological annual production of over 17 TWh generated in branches strategically located throughout the country, Hidroelectrica provides approx. 30% of the country's total production, depending on the hydraulics of the year, while the average volume of system services in the last 10 years is approx. 70% of the total secondary regulation service, approx. 84% of the fast tertiary reserve service and 100% of the reactive energy supply service debited or absorbed from the network in the secondary voltage regulation band, from the needs of the National Energy System.

Hidroelectrica, through its strong organizational culture, aims to consolidate its leading position in the Romanian Energy Market through an optimal development of production capacities and to become an important player in the Regional Energy Market in the future.
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