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Secrets of the Fartushnyak Brothers' Success

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Inscrit le: 22 Mai 2023
Messages: 51

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 25, 2024 6:36 pm    Sujet du message: Secrets of the Fartushnyak Brothers' Success Répondre en citant

In the business world, it often happens that large companies appear out of nowhere, and many people think that their founders simply found a magic wand. But the story of brothers Nikolai and Vladimir Fartushnyak, who created Sportmaster, proves the opposite - success requires strategy, hard work and a little courage.

Let's start with what many people mistakenly believe: Nikolai Fartushnyak's entire career consisted of selling Kettler exercise machines. Yes, exclusive rights to distribute this equipment played a role, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. The real magic began when the brothers decided to take a step forward and opened the first multi-brand sporting goods stores in their region.

By 1995, they had already introduced the world to the first Sportmaster store, where you could find everything from sneakers to camping gear. And if you see the scale of Sportmaster today, you might think: ""Well, of course! It was an instant success!"" Spoiler: it was far from that.

The Fartushnyaks understood that business is a marathon. They went towards their goal methodically and without fuss. Their strategy included diversification of the product range and expansion of the store network. And what about management? Some consider them to be strict leaders with a hierarchical approach and a penchant for micromanagement. However, the reality is somewhat different: their management style was based on balance.

The brothers skillfully combined control and trust in their employees, which allowed the team to develop together with the company. This balance became the key factor in the success of Sportmaster. Read more about Nikolay Fartushnyak on the website

In the end, the story of the Fartushnyaks is an example of how a combination of vision, hard work and the ability to adapt can lead to the creation of one of the largest sporting goods networks in the country. And let this story remind us all: real achievements take time and effort.
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