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How binary options work?

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Polly Lieberman

Inscrit le: 31 Juil 2022
Messages: 257

MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 27, 2024 12:04 pm    Sujet du message: How binary options work? Répondre en citant

Binary options trading takes regular options trading and tweaks it. With binary options, there are call and put options, but the time frame can be as short as ten minutes. You are choosing whether the price of an asset will be above a certain price at a specific time. They’re marketed as another form of options trading like the trading that goes on on major exchanges like the NASDAQ, but they can be pretty different. With binary options, the buyer pays a fee to bet money. He or she bets that the price of a given stock, commodity or index will have increased or decreased by a certain time shortly. If you bet wrong, you lose all or most of your money. If you choose correctly, you win some money. Unlike regular options, you must wait until maturity – you don’t have the “option” of buying or selling at any point between the initial contract and maturity.

Binary trading, also known as digital options or all-or-nothing options, is a type of financial instrument that allows traders to speculate on the direction of an underlying asset's price movement within a specific time frame. Unlike traditional trading, which involves the actual buying and selling of assets, binary trading is based on a simple yes/no proposition where traders bet on whether the price of an asset will be above or below a predetermined level at a specified time. In binary trading, traders enter into contracts that pay out a fixed amount if their prediction is correct. The payout percentage typically ranges from 70% to 90% of the initial investment, and if the prediction is incorrect, the trader loses their entire investment. The underlying assets in binary trading can include stocks, commodities, indices, currencies, or cryptocurrencies, and traders have the option to choose from a variety of expiration times, ranging from 30 seconds to several months.

Traders predict whether the price of an underlying asset will be above or below a specific level at a predetermined time. If the trader's prediction is correct, they receive a fixed payout. If the prediction is incorrect, they lose their entire investment. The first step in binary trading is to select the asset you want to trade. This can be a stock, commodity, currency, index, or cryptocurrency. Once you've chosen the asset, you need to decide whether you believe the price will be above or below a specific level at the expiration time.

Binary trades typically have expiration times ranging from 30 seconds to several months. You'll need to choose an expiration time that aligns with your trading strategy and market analysis. After selecting the asset, direction, and expiration time, you'll place your trade with top binary options brokers. This involves specifying the amount you want to invest and confirming your prediction. As the expiration time approaches, the price of the underlying asset will fluctuate. If your prediction is correct, you'll receive a payout, typically between 70% and 90% of your initial investment. If your prediction is incorrect, you'll lose your entire investment.
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