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Four reasons why Mike Babcock should take the Sabres giganti

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Inscrit le: 03 Aoû 2022
Messages: 82

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 03, 2022 11:36 am    Sujet du message: Four reasons why Mike Babcock should take the Sabres giganti Répondre en citant

For selfish reasons, we want Mike Babcock, getting pushed and pulled and wined and dined acro s North America, to end his awkward-if-youre-involved job search in Buffalo. Itd be interesting, and rooting for interesting things is Addison Reed Jersey fun.
Still, as the rumor mill surrounding one of the biggest-name coaches in the game continues to churn, the Sabres are starting to make sense for a few different reasons. that member of the leagues coaching fraternity thinks hell pick them over the Red Wings, the team hes coached for 10 seasons, and all the other suitors seem to be falling by the wayside. It's gotten far enough that Babcock and Sabres GM Tim Murray, , were negotiating a contract on Tuesday.
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In any case, Babcock should say yes to Buffalo. Heres why.
1) Money. Its one of his major considerations for a lot of reasons, and hoo boy, the Sabres have a lot of that. Terry Pegula doesnt just own the Sabres; he owns the Bills, too, and a large chunk of the state university of Pennsylvania. Maybe a castle and a collection of dinosaur bones, too. Who knows; hes very Byron Buxton Jersey rich.
Babcocks motivation in that regard isnt tough to understand. The Red Wings last reported offer would pay him $3.25 million annually. Thats a lot. Whatever the Sabres are offering, its going to be more. Itll always be more. It is, according to the News, more.
The Sabres contract offer is far better than Detroits reported extension of $3.25 million per season, so much so that it will alleviate any concerns Babcocks family has about leaving Michigan, the source told The Buffalo News on Tuesday.
So yes, making the maximum amount of money is cool. Whats also cool, and also a concern for Babcock, is raising the bar for NHL coaches salaries. If he cant do it, right now, nobody can. Why does Gregg Popovich make $11 million to coach the San Antonio Spurs? Why is Billy Donovan getting $6 million a year with the Thunder in his first NBA coaching job? The NBAs revenues are higher, yes, but coaches salaries arent capped, and the gap, Babcock argues, is larger than C. J. Cron Jersey it should be.
Whether you agree with that or not, its nice that the obligation Babcock feels to his peers jibes with your own interest, and thats writ large with the Sabres.
2) Proximity to Detroit. He was in Michigan long enough to see his youngest daughter graduate in Ann Arbor earlier this month, so the kids are le s of a factor than in the past. Still
"I talked to my wife (April 30 about changing jobs) for the first time," Babcock said on May 1, . "Everyone thinks Ken Holland's the bo s. Actually, my wife's the bo s. That conversation didn't go very well, didn't last that long.
Whatever Miguel Sano Jersey Buffalos offer is, itd buy a lot of flights. A Tuesday evening direct trip from Detroit to Buffalo was $500. Thats without factoring in, say, usage of a private plane. Plus, four hours is a short drive, and the offseason exists for a reason.3) Young talent. At the start of the season, ESPNs Corey Pronman in his top 100 and ranked their system as the best in the league, and thats not changing anytime soon; the tank has been fruitful. Buffalo picks second, 21st, 31st and 51st in June. Jack Eichel, Buffalos soon-to-be selection at No. 2 overall, would be first in a whole bunch of other drafts. If Babcock is looking for a team built down the middle, Eichel, Sam Reinhardt and Zemgus Girgensons is as good as it gets. Thats Buffalos most obvious strength, but the pipeline also extends beyond Justin Morneau Jersey them and will only grow during the summer. And t.
Thats not to discount the presence, aging or otherwise, of Pavel Datsyuk and Henrik Zetterberg, or Tomas Tatar, Gustav Nyquist, et al. Its to say that the Sabres group is better and completely future-focused. If hes willing to wait out another lean season or two, the payoff could be gigantic.
4) Glory. Babcock deserves credit for what hes done in Detroit Glen Perkins Jersey , into an aging core over the last two seasons. Still, bringing a Cup to Buffalo would put him in another stratosphere. If Babcock is as good as we all think he is, and if Buffalos rebuild continues as planned, itd be a distinct po sibility.
And if it happens, fans in Buffalo will bypa s the give him credit stage for statue-building. Plus, again, itd be interesting. Time to make it happen.
John Short, Jr
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